Sunday, 26 October 2008

Painting by Numbers

I am reminded of trying to achieve the realism of watercolour with a new set of poster paints in my teens. I had to relearn everything I knew, but came to realise that there was a place for both in my paint box. I can build very powerful applications with Java but before I could teach someone how to draw coloured patterns I'd have to show them how to make panels and frames. Using the colorMode, stroke and point functions will, I suspect, need a little practice, but I am amazed at what can be drawn using just these 3 functions in only a few lines of code and impressed that they can be learned so quickly. So far though, I haven't found my way around the help files provided in the environment effectively. "Help | Find in Reference" doesn't seem to do anything and I miss the JavaDoc style API specification. Does something similar exist anywhere for Processing I wonder?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharon. When you highlight a word & click "Help|Find in reference" it's supposed to open a new browser window pointing at the correct page in the reference html files in your download. Failing that, you could just point your browser to [installation folder]/reference/index.html or the online version at - that's the best documentation I've come across so far!
    Hope that helps.



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