Friday, 8 May 2009

Chunk 67 finished

I had assumed that having managed to make the code in this chunk display sensibly the task would be over. Attempts to run code in other chunks made me revisit it though and the realisation that all the line feeds, including those in the code, were being converted to breaks dawned. It's a shame there's no facility to suspend that just for blocks marked with <pre> and <code>. However, hopefully it should now be possible to copy and paste the code included here with its intended formatting. The changes are made in Settings | Formatting if anyone hasn't yet discovered that.

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly I had no issues when copying syntax highlighted formatted html from jEdit to the blog. Since I've started to use vim (console version) I have had the same problem, I'm too chicken to try cut and paste from the vim console, so inevitably I end up copying the line breaks. However the :runtime syntax/2html.vim puts <br$gt; into the html I just need remove all the <br> before posting my code to my blogs.



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