Sunday, 3 May 2009

Chunk 67 Sketch

I probably should stop playing with the sketch for chunk 67, SunsetBeach, and put the rest of the chunk up here for everyone to see. A quote from Strength to Love (Paul Gardener 1963) sums up its present state of flux better than I could have done: "A painting is never finished. It simply stops in an interesting place".

Here it is anyhow - comments welcome.

The quote was a recollection at


  1. I love the little seagulls!

  2. Nice sketch, my preference would be for the yacht to be nearer to the palm, or to move the path. To avoid getting the window frame on your sketch you can save the picture directly by adding saveFrame("mypic.png"); to your sketch. This also saves a bit of fiddling about with screen capture.

  3. Thanks Martin - it worked a treat here. Not so straightforward with pictures that have captions in the main text though.



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